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Figures from
Des Roches et al. 2020.
Socio-Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics in Cities. Evolutionary Applications.
Figures from
Des Roches et al. 2018.
The Ecological Importance of Intraspecific Variation.
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Figures from
Schell et al. 2020.
The Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Systemic Racism in Urban Environments.
Re-illustration of Steven Arnold's Sexual Selection from
Sinervo. In Press.
Chapter 10: Mate Choice.
Behavioral Genetics to Evolution.
Graphical abstract and figure from
Des Roches et al. 2020.
Climate-Driven Habitat Change Causes Evolution in Threespine Stickleback.
Global Change Biology
Figures from
Lambert et al. 2021
Adaptive Evolution in Cities: Progress and Misconceptions
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
scientific figures
Figures from
Des Roches et al. 2021
Conserving Intraspecific Variation for Nature's Contributions to People
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Figures from
Stuble et al. 2021.
Regional Networks of Biological Field Stations to Study Climate Change
My love for art, ecology, and communication come together when I create my scientific figures. Please contact me if I can help you with your own!
Figures from
Vashon Nature Center Exhibit 2021
Puget Sound Shoreline: Zonation (left); Unrestored armored(top right); Restored unarmored (bottom right)
Figures from
Des Roches & Robinson et al. 2022
The legacy of predator threat shapes prey foraging behaviour
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